Tennessee’s 6th: Corlew Ad Wants to Make Sure Voters Don’t Confuse Bob CorLEW with Bob CorKER

Bob Corlew

Recent polling by The Tennessee Star showed that Senator Bob Corker has a disapproval rating in the 62% range and 6th District GOP Congressional candidate Bob Corlew wants to make sure voters in his primary don’t hold that against HIM just because of a similar last name.

The tongue-in-cheek ad also tries to cut through the late campaign season noise and increase Corlew’s name recognition with GOP Primary voters.  It is similar to an ad that Tennessee Republican Congressman Scott Desjarlais once used to increase his own name recognition with a somewhat difficult last name. Desjarlais’ ad depicted a man confused between Desjarlais and Dijon mustard.


Transcript of Bob Corlew ad “BOB WHO?”:

Bob Corlew: “Hey, I’m Bob Corlew and I’m running for Congress.”

Man: “Corker?”

Second Man: “Corker?”

Bob Corlew: “No, Corlew. Bob Corlew.”

Woman: “Bob Corker?”

Second woman: “No, Corlew; Bob Corlew. Army veteran. Judge. Conservative Republican.”

Young man: “And a supporter of President Trump. Bob’s spent a lifetime serving others.”

Bob Corlew: “That’s right. I want to help stop illegal immigration. Help the President build the Wall. And that’s why I approved this message.”

The commercial is airing on both broadcast and cable television.







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2 Thoughts to “Tennessee’s 6th: Corlew Ad Wants to Make Sure Voters Don’t Confuse Bob CorLEW with Bob CorKER”

  1. 83ragtop50

    Wasted money on this ad. Any GOP candidate but the well-connected Rose.

  2. Brian McMurphy

    Not a midget. Not a known traitor. Not currently on MSNBC or praising Bredesen.

    Got it.
